Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week 2

Nothing visually significant has changed on the pad in 2 weeks, but boy have we sure been working on in.
Found out that we dug the footings 4" too shallow with the mini excavator, and therefore Amy and I dug the remaining 4" of clay soil by hand. Not Fun!

Have been laying and tying re-bar getting ready to pour the footings.

Brandon and Amy's house addition

We decided that it was time to stretch out a little.

On May 3, 2008 we broke ground on a 20' x 27' (540 sqft) house addition.

We doug the trench for the sewer line for the new bathroom, footings, and removed/replaced alot of backyard dirt.

Fajitas for lunch, and ice cream sandwiches throughout the day.

We had a good crew there to kick the project off:

My Dad
Jason Alger (with tractor/trailer)
Don Rusinsky
Karl Bunker